Friday, September 12, 2008

new albums

i finally added new albums to my main website: seedlings, couplings and petography. eventually i'll revamp the site so i can link this blog and other sites on there. i need to find an easy-to-update flash template that will help me do this.

Monday, September 01, 2008

a rarity

mom and dad requested a photograph of me & the hubby for this artist guy in the philippines to draw our portrait. i'm usually the one taking the pics so i don't have many of myself or of me and the hubby together. it's probably been four years since we've taken an exclusive couples photo.

edit: (thanks anne for reminding me to post this)

here is our lifetouch style photo. i didn't bother to set up the studio equipment since i knew the photo was going to be transformed into a drawing of sorts. hmmm... it's weird to see myself in a photo.

so after i took a formal portrait via tripod & self timer, we got a bit goofy and captured these: