"The spiritual journey does not consist in arriving at a new destination where a person gains what he did not have, or becomes what he is not. It consists in the dissipation of one's own ignorance concerning one's self and life, and the gradual growth of that understanding which begins the spiritual awakening. The finding of God is a coming to one's self." - Aldous Huxley me, elle and nay went to Earthsong in Stuart, VA. i can't even begin to tell the story of our adventures there. maybe it'll transpire in a graphic novel. a story about three unsuspecting women traveling to the mountains that discover their super powers under the new moon to help humankind. hmmmmmm. maybe. so for now, i'll tell the story through the images i took while we were there.
here is a list of things i experienced during our stay:
- ate some yellow wood sorrel. "nature's candy" - cameron
- learned about tulsi basil, heal-all and lambsquarters
- i heart air potatoes.
- we harvested sweet potatoes.
- seeing sooooo many stars under the new moon sky while being absorbed in the quietness of mama nature.
- gathered black walnuts
- meditated in the dharma hall
- met sasafras trees and sour wood
- white pine needles have medicinal properties
- i discovered the "alien plant" in my back yard is a pokeberry which is toxic and invasive
- i learned the term "invasive"
- shared stories and culture with cameron, emily and summer
- taught summer how to play the kubing and appointed her the kubing teacher
- played the djembe drum and rocked out
- helped build fires to keep us warm
- met the crystal singing bowl
- drank lots of yummy hot teas
- bid the sun farewell at sunset and said "thank you for your presence."
many thanks to cameron, emily, summer and uni for a our first memorable experience at earthsong.
for more images at Earthsong in my facebook album
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