finally! a link to my blog from my main website. check it out! you can
it's amazing when people get together and start making things happen. my friend dave aujero came by to visit after his 10 month sabbatical in peru. who knew he would be the one to solve my website dilemma... a link to navigate to this here blog. it was a win-win situation. he got to dust off his interactive media making skills, get some motivation to start his future website and i got a link :)
this website making stuff started in '06 and has been a hair pulling process for me. i wanted to create it on my own to save money and be self-reliant. i got as far as having a flash template to showcase my portfolio but nothing to connect it to my blog. two years later i broke down and bought services through bludomain because their templates allowed this. that was a total bust. bludomain has done fantastic work with other sites but not for mine. they didn't even render the services i purchased last year in october. i'm still waiting for a response back and a refund.
the good news is that after today's breakthrough with my website the sky's the limit!
thanks dave. (his website coming soon!)
oh and i got this uncanny horoscope that compliments the endeavors of the day:
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